Alcoholic’s Anonymous – Area 75
- Alcoholic’s
Anonymous – Area 75
Senior Center
- 2009
Spring Pre-Conference Assembly
- Stu
E, Delegate; Nancy H., Area Chairperson; Nancy B., Alt Chair; John
B, Alt Delegate/Literature; JD O., Secretary ; Cynthia H., Alt
Secretary; Todd U., Treasurer; Doreen H., Alt. Treasurer
- George
P., Grapevine Chair; George B., Conf. Adv. Com. Chair; Ken N.,
Corrections Chair; Randy R., CPC Chair; Liz Y., PI Chair; Fred K.,
Treatment Chair; Lee Ann F., Special Needs Chair; David K., Archives
Chair; Nancy S., Archivist; Kathy W., Registrar
N.; D2-Clyde M.; D3-Marv S.; D8- Bridgett A.; D11-Ric C.; D12-Terry
H.; D13-Leslie F.; D15-Brent W.; D16- Theresa W.; D19-John S.;
D20-Brent B.; D25-Les M.;D27-Marty S.; D29-Mike T.; D30-Tamra L.
(Alt).; D31-Benjamin B.; D32-John C.; D34-Drew W.;D36-Barb W.
and ALT GSR’s and Others PRESENT:
W. (D12), Mary K. (D12); Denise E. (D2); John A. (D2); Joel B.
(D30); Diane E. (D14); Jasmin S. (D20); Laura W. (D20); Dale H.
(D32); Kurt H. (D32);Ray K. (D11); Mark B. (D16); Crystal L. (D34);
Jim K (D3); Tom R. (D3); Paul B (D3); Howard P. (D32); Toni M (D8);
Clay K (D15); Jarrod S. (D3); Kari E (D32); Nancy A. (D34); Rick M
(D32); David E (D32); Susan B (D32); Carl H (D32); Jim D (D2); Tom M
(D16); Erin J(D34); Dave J (D20); Jess G (D34); Don D (D32); Carl D
(D25); Dennis L (D36); Charlie E (D31) Margala H; Stephen W.; Ken G
(D20); Valerie L (D15); Dave H (D15); Michael S (D3); Barb W (D29);
Lynn G (D29); Terry W (D28); Sylvia Y. (D13); Donna W (D13); Chris
S. (D25); Richard H (D16); Nicole S. (D25); David C (D25); Mark V
(D16); Jeff Z (D25); Ted J (D25); Dave D (D25); RJ E (D32); Freddie
K (D16); Mark G (D13); Betsy R (D6); Joann K (D34); Mike O (D13);
Frank S (D28); Phyllis R (D13); Scot H (D22); Harry G (D12).
PRESENT: Past Delegates: John B.,
Joan J., Ken G., Leo M.; Nancy G.; George P.; Conference Advisory
Chair – George B.; Spring Conf. 2009 Chair – Dennis L.,
Fall Conf. Chair 2009 – Jeff Z., Spring Conf. 2010 Chair –
Robert S., Spring Conf .2011 Chair – Ken N.; Central Offices –
Milwaukee Central Office, MAICO
- Nancy
H., Area Chairperson, opened the
meeting with a moment of silence,
followed by the serenity prayer.
- JD
O., Area Secretary, took Roll Call.
- Minutes
from the Winter Service Assembly approved and accepted.
REPORT – Todd U.
- Actual useable balance is $12K.
- Just
did a bank reconciliation and will meet with the finance committee.
Did not have a prepared written report for the Pre-conference
Assembly. Written report will be sent out with the minutes.
- Treasurer’s
report approved by the Assembly.
- Todd U, Doreen H, Joan J, Leo M,
Matt Z, Drew A,
- Reviewed General Service
Conference agenda items for Finance Committee and provide feedback
to Delegate.
- The Treasurer has set up
electronic checking with M&I Bank. Checks are now issued and
mailed by the bank eliminating postage and office expenses for the
Concern was expressed that the
Assembly should have approved the $1200 contribution sent to G.S.O.
to cover the General Service Conference expenses. The requested
amount is $700 but the Area has traditionally sent in $1200.
- Review of Contributions and
Expenses to Date
Contributions continue to be
received without any indication of the Group that is making the
The Treasurer would like to post a
new contribution form on the website but has met with resistance
from the webmaster. The Treasurer would like the form to be
interactive allowing the Group’s to type in their information
including an email address to which the acknowledgment can be sent.
This would eliminate some mailing costs
- Discussed approval of forwarding
mailbox account for Area Registrar
The Area Chair has requested a
forwarding service be set up to which Group Information forms can
be mailed.
- The Committee voted not to
approve the request at this time.
- Here are the expenses and
contributions to date:
YTD Income
$ 10,277.32
2008 Checks
$ (1,570.93) |
Rainbow Out
$ (667.45) |
Count on Us Out
$ (72.72) |
YTD Expenses
$ (6,963.98) |
Checking Balance
$ 20,473.96
Prudent Reserve
$ 5,000.00
Count on Us Balance
$ 618.84
Rainbow Balance
$ 1,685.71
Usable Balance
$ 13,860.97
- Here are the expenses compared
to budget:
Overhead |
Delegate |
Alt.Delgate/Lit. |
$ -
Chair |
$ -
Secretary |
$ 118.92
Treasurer |
$ -
Corrections |
Grapevine |
Public Info. |
Treatment |
Spcl. Needs |
Archivist |
Alt. Chair |
$ -
Alt. Secretary |
$ -
Alt. Treasurer |
$ -
Archives Chair |
Total Expenses
REPORT – Nancy H.
- Some people did not receive the
Agenda for the Pre-conference Assembly that was emailed out.
- Chairman’s Report
Pre-Conference Assembly
April 19, 2009
- Activities since the January
Winter Service Assembly have included
Acceptance of Eric S’s
resignation as Public Information Chair due to health reasons.
Please keep Eric in your prayers.
Appointed Liz Y., who lives in
District 6, PI committee chair. Thank you Liz for volunteering. I
also want to thank all of you who submitted names as possible chairs
for this committee.
Spoke at a District 24 workshop on
2/7/09 that was held at the New Day Club in Mequon.
Contacted committee chairs to ask if
they had any questions or needed any assistance.
in the Delegates Workshop on March 29th
and chaired the PI discussion.
Responded to several telephone calls
or emails from individuals who had service related questions.
the Badger Intergroup on April 18th
at their invitation.
- The Madison Senior Center will
be closed for renovation this summer. Arrangements have been made
to hold our Summer Service Assembly on the original scheduled date,
June 28, 2009, at the Monona Community Center, 1011 Nichols Rd.,
Monona, WI.
- Please contact me if you would
like me to visit your District Meeting or participate in an event.
I would love to visit each district during this rotation.
- Yours in service,
- Nancy H.
- Since
my last report to you in January, I have been, as usual, quite
active in service to the members and groups of Area 75. First, I
have some sad news to share with you. On January 29th,
I met several of our Past Delegates, some of A.A.’s long-sober
members in the Milwaukee area, and the Interim Director of Greater
Milwaukee Central Office to attend the funeral service for Past
Delegate (Panel 17) Bob W. in Wauwatosa. That was in part sad,
because it was the first death of a Past Delegate we have
experienced here in some time. It was also a time for reflection
because of the incredible service Bob performed both as a trusted
servant of this area and also as a highly regarded professional in
the field of alcoholism in both Kenosha-Racine. His legacy also
includes his substantial influence on certain alcoholism-related
legislation, in Wisconsin as a whole. More recently, Chairman of
the AAWS Board, John S. who served A.A. and the General Service
Board in many capacities over a period of years and was a Past
Delegate from Area 13 the District of Columbia, was laid to rest
April 10th.
Phyllis H., General Manager of GSO, attended the services on our
- My activities as your delegate
also include:
in the annual conference of the Wisconsin Young People in A.A.
(WICYPAA) Jan. 30th
through May 2nd.
While there I was asked also to meet informally with some of
WICYPAA’s trusted servants on the subject of closer
cooperation between Area 75 and WICYPAA;
at the Waldo Intergroup on February 7th
in the East Central Regional Conference of Delegates Past and
Present in Springfield, IL from February 13th
to 15th.
A note on that conference: Alternate Delegate John B. and I had
planned to travel together in order to save on some expenses. A
business commitment not under John’s control forced his late
arrival at the conference and prevented our joint travel from
happening. While there, we both underwent the characteristically
rigorous training for the General Service Conference that that
conference exists to provide;
at the Group 48 Annual Dinner and Open Meeting on February 21st
at the Campbellsport Group Anniversary Dinner and Open Meeting on
February 28th
in a business meeting and later speaking at an open meeting of the
Courage to Live Group, which meets inside the VA Medical Center in
Tomah, on March 6th
plan and execute an ICYPAA Bid Committee hosted workshop in
Fitchburg on March 14th
in the annual Area 75 Delegate’s Workshop on March 29th
here in Madison. Many thanks to all who braved the bad weather that
day for the purpose of helping your Delegate prepare for the 59th
General Service Conference!
Joining with the Area 19 (Chicago)
and the Area 20 (No. IL Area) Delegates at the Area 20 equivalent of
our Delegate’s Workshop. There I sat with the Area 19
Delegate, the Area 20 Alternate Delegate, and twenty-three DCM’s
to review the GSC Report & Charter Agenda. About 170 total
members attended the event;
Attendance and sharing at the
District 25 Third Legacy Workshop in Fond du Lac;
On invitation, I met with and
advised three different boards or committees on Traditions and
Concepts matters;
at the 33rd
Badger Intergroup.
- In February, I advised our Area
Committee members that the A.A. Grapevine was found to not be in
compliance with the USPS regulations for bulk mailing by
non-profits. We delegates were not told then that the USPS had
allowed a two-month transition period for our mailings to be brought
into compliance as regards the return address labels on the mailing
envelops. You might note that the April issue’s mailers have
changed to both fulfill that requirement and to protect anonymity.
The Grapevine continues to seek committee and reader input on the
new look of the magazine and its contents. I have received several
inputs, which I will take to the General Service conference with me.
- More recently, delegates
received word on a literature price increase to take effect on July
1, 2009. The bottom line is that Big Books will go up $2.00 per
copy and most other books will go up $1.00. Our Literature Chair
will have more information during his report later today. Since the
last price increase in 1997, warehousing, inventory management, and
order processing and shipping has increased 107% since 1997, from
about $868,000 for 1997 to $1.86 million for 2008. Other costs have
increased as well. In addition to the price increases, some cost
saving measures have been implemented by the AAWS Board and the
General Service Board. These include the first ever staff salary
freeze effective March 2009, a selective staff hiring freeze also
effective as of March, and deferment of some building improvements
and of the Archives expansion/remodeling project. The Fellowship
New Visions (FNV) Database project is performing very well and has
been judged to have met its objectives in every respect.
- All
trusted servants at all levels are encouraged to update your contact
information and preferences for receiving either hard copy or
electronic forms of service material including Box
4-5-9 just as soon as possible.
Updates can be sent to
and should include your full name, address, service number from the
address label on material you have received from GSO by mail, your
service position and your email address. This will enable G.S.O to
save postage and printing costs on any regular information you are
able to receive electronically.
- In 2008, 42.25% of registered
groups in Area 75 contributed to G.S.O., compared to 45.49% in 2007.
I know that current economic conditions are tough for many, but
let’s please all encourage every group we represent or that we
attend regularly to contribute as able to G.S.O., your
Central/Intergroup Office, your district, and to Area 75. All of
these entities perform vital service functions that benefit all of
our members. Let’s please do our best to keep them strong, to
keep them there for us and for that next alcoholic in need.
- There is a great deal more which
I could share with you, and much of it is very recent information.
Some of it is in the form of preliminary reports we delegates have
received. Not wanting these to be misquoted or mistaken for
complete and final data, I am not adding them to this report. I
will remain available after we conclude today’s Assembly so
that any member who is interested might hear them in a more informal
setting and ask questions as well.
- I
would like to finish with a deep and sincere thank you for the
privilege of serving you as your Delegate this term. I will be
flying to New York to represent you at the 59th
General Service Conference, which begins Saturday evening.
- Yours in Recovery and Service,
- Stu
Panel 59 Area 75 (So. WI) Delegate
- The Box 4-5-9 publication from
GSO is going to quarterly this summer from monthly to save money.
John B.
Delegate & Area 75 Literature Chair Report
Pre-Conference Assembly –
Madison Senior Center
April 19, 2009
our last gathering in January I had the opportunity to attend the
annual East Central Region Conference of Delegates Past &
Present held in Springfield, IL, February 13th
Area 75 was well represented and I found the proceedings and the
discussions to be interesting and informative. I had an opportunity
to meet and talk to several of the seated delegates and numerous
past delegates. Nancy took the opportunity to visit Lincoln’s
home and take in some of the bi-centennial events around the city
that weekend.
month I attended the Delegate’s Workshop and facilitated
discussion of the items that are on the Literature Committee’s
agenda for the upcoming General Service Conference (GSC), which
convenes April 26th
– May 1st.
I’ve included a brief summary of some of the items currently
on the agenda…
The 2009
Conference Committee on Literature will review the final drafts of
the pamphlets "A.A. for the Native North American" and
"The A.A. Member—Medications and Other Drugs" for
Conference-approval. This is in keeping with previous GSC Advisory
Actions recommending that these pamphlets be revised.
Discussion will also take place on
the need to develop A.A. Conference approved literature that focuses
on the topics of spirituality, and agnostics or
atheists/nonbelievers in A.A.
consideration will be given to the following requests: to publish a
book of stories from members living in remote communities; develop a
second volume of Daily
develop a video on the G.S.R.; change the title of the pamphlet 44
to Frequently
Asked Questions About A.A.;
review the
pamphlet “Questions and Answers on Sponsorship” towards
eliminating outmoded ethnic, cultural and vocational references;
develop a new Special Needs recovery pamphlet for newcomers or
prospective members; and last but not least from Area 75 2008
Literature Committee - consider the request to add a sentence to the
pamphlet “A Newcomer Asks” that encourages newcomers to
obtain and study the Big Book, Alcoholics
Points of Interest
Per a 2007 GSC Advisory Action, the
text "Financial Support: Current experience indicates that many
groups provide financial support for their general service
representatives to attend service functions" has been added to
the pamphlet "The G.S.R." (P-19) (2/09 printing).
the next printing, and in keeping with a 2006 GSC Advisory Action,
the word "largely" will be
added to the 2nd
sentence in the 1st
paragraph of the Introduction to the book, Experience,
Strength and Hope so
that the sentence reads: "In all four editions, the first 164
pages have remained largely unchanged, preserving A.A.'s message
just as it was originally recorded by the founding members."
Since April 2006 there have been no new printings.
At G.S.O. there have been increases
in costs for operations, warehousing and shipping. Therefore, the
A.A.W.S. Board asked management to come up with solutions to help
keep the Prudent Reserve at an acceptable level. After much
discussion, the board approved increasing book prices, while keeping
the shipping and handling charge practices the same. The current
discount structure will remain unchanged.
Price Increases:
As of July 1, the price for the Big Book will increase $2.00, other
books will increase $1.00, and booklets will increase $.50. These
increases apply to English, French, Spanish
and foreign literature. A new catalog will contain the specific new
prices and will be released in June. A notice dated March 20lh
was sent from Publications Director, Chris C., to all Area
Literature Chairpersons and local Intergroup/Central Offices.
for Email:
We are moving toward sending as much information as possible via
e-mail, instead of by hard-copy. We are doing this in order to
continue communicating effectively and more economically. For our
records we would like to request your e-mail address; that is, if
you haven't already provided us with one and you have one.
your e-mail address to our Records Department:
include your full
name, service position and entity (whether you are the Literature
Chair of a specific Area
(LCAC), District (LCDC), or Other Intergroup/CentralOffice/Group
(LCOC), and your service
number if you know it.
459 Publication:
The current April/May bulletin is on schedule; however, starting
with the Conference issue, Box
will be published only four times a year. You can expect the
bulletins to be published in June,
September, December and March.




Asked Question:
"In how many languages is the Big Book available?" Is one
of the top "frequently asked questions" on the Literature
Assignment. The answer is 58; that is, if you include ASL and
English. Here is the list:
San Antonio
2010 International Convention: Preliminary information has been sent
to conference members, foreign G.S.O.’s and intergroup/central
offices as of February 2009, notifying them that they will receive a
mailing with registration forms and hotel information in August.
The committee agreed to forward discussion of an anonymity-protected
photo of the flag ceremony to be taken at the 2010 International
Convention and a request for the encrypted broadcast of the flag
ceremony to the 2009 Conference Committee on International
Conventions/Regional Forums.
would ask you to support the proposal for a Conference Approved A.A.
pamphlet for the Military
Veteran Suffering from Alcoholism as
our returning troops have needs beyond the scope of the literature
currently available. Last, continue to support Tom M. as he reaches
out to the still suffering alcoholics at the Clement Zablocki VA
Medical Center.
Respectfully Submitted,
John B. – Alternate
Delegate/Area 75 Literature Chair
CHAIR – David K.
- My
name is David K., and I am an alcoholic, also area 75 archives
chair. I am currently working with Nancy at the archives room, to
update the various minute binders for the different districts
located in the area. I have also been invited, and spoke, at
district #1, located in Sparta Wisconsin, on our archives. Nancy
and I will also be working with Jim at central office. He has
cleaned the office up, and has labeled several boxes archives, that,
Nancy and I will be working through, to see what can be placed on
display at the archives room, upon approval of the central office
- I encourage the districts, and
groups in our area, to invite either one of us, to present and talk
to you about what our archives can offer.
- Nancy and I would also like to
encourage all the districts in our area to send your district
minutes to us. We have been receiving minutes from several districts
but we ask that you also send flyers of district events with
programs. Many districts have when and where’s and we ask that
you send that also. Please include full dates on all materials. When
sending your district materials, please send them in word form, and
not PDF.
- Thank you.
- Your trusted servant,
David K.
CHAIR – Ken N.
- Hi
my name is Ken N.,
Area 75 Corrections chair,
- Since
our last meeting I’ve been to a few service events for
Corrections. I was at the Area 74 and 75 state Corrections
Conference meeting which was held in Appleton,Wi on 2-6-09 And the
Corrections Conference will be June
27-2009 at the Thomson Community
Center in Appleton ,Wis.
There’s flyers on the back table.
- On March 29 -2009 I was at the
Delegates workshop and Corrections Committee had a good turn
- Also I was invited to
District 8 on 4-6-09 , To try and get people more interested in
corrections. As they don’t have a Corrections chair. Also I
talked about the Rainbow cans. What they are for and what they are
not for.
- Also
got hooked up with the Outside sponsor from Waupun
Prison and found out they have AA meetings
back in the prison again. They were stopped for about a year or so
because of internal problems. Dale C. is the outside sponsor. And
we’re glad the meetings are back in again.
- Also I’ve sent books to
Districts # 6,36 and18 through the Rainbow fund. Thanks to all who
have contributed.
Hope to see you all at the spring
Conference in Racine .
Your trusted servant,
Ken N.
- Question
from the floor about the 14th
annual corrections conference about getting on the area website?
Response - Yes will get it on the website.
- Question
from the floor can we get Correspondence form for writers on the
website? Response - Yes we will get it on the website.
CHAIR – Randy R.
- First of all I would like to
thank District 8 for inviting me to speak at their district meeting
(they were my first). I would also like to let all of you know that
District 3 CPC (Scot S.) has begun coordinating his efforts to begin
educating the professional community (all right Scot)
- The Delegates Workshop held in
March was a total surprise to me. The committee consisted of
District 12 (2 people), District 20 (1person) plus an AA’er
from the great state of Montana. We had a good discussion on the
questions pose to us from GSO. The question raised was how to get
the professional to view the DVD that they are making for the
professional community. I think the committee did a fantastic job
at addressing this question. Our answer was given to the Delegate
to take with him to New York. We will soon find out if he brought
up our suggestion.
- The
Area 75 CPC literature booth will be displayed at the VA Women’s
Health Fair on the 29th
of April. I will make sure that it arrives on time and is set up
for the Health Fair. I will not be their to work the booth but Joan
J., Cheryl M. and other will work the exhibit as professional, such
as they are.
- The Area 75 CPC Committee has
coordinated coverage with District 32 for the May 2009 WAAODA Event
which will be held at the Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc. District 32
stepped forward on a moments notice (which was my fault) to help
offset the Exhibit fee and also to help round up coverage for the
Exhibit. I would like to thank Mark G. (District 32) and Fred T.
(Area 75 Treatment Chair) for stepping forward.
- If your District is planning an
event for 2009 please contact the Area 75 chair. Training, support
and literature can be acquired through the Area Committee. Visits
to your district are as easy as a phone call or an e-mail. Each DCM
is expected to notify the Area CPC with any new contact information
of their district CPC chair rotations. Education to the
professionals about what AA can and does do is invaluable to the
alcoholic who still suffers. Remember we focus on professional that
come into contact with these still suffering individuals.
- Thank you to all the Districts
that have been e-mailing their minutes to me, this has become a
great tool to update my lists and e-mail addresses.
- My greatest reward for being the
Area 75 CPC Chair is to visit other Districts and meet the people
(and there are many) who carry out the Responsibility Declaration,
what an honor.
- I am looking forward to seeing
all of you at the Spring Conference in Racine.
- With Sincere Gratitude
Randy R.
Area 75 CPC Chair
- Asked DCMs if they have events
going on, please contact Randy. No calls so far to help out but
would like help.
CHAIR – George P.
- Good Morning! My name is
Grapevine Guy and I’m an alcoholic. Actually, my name is
George and I am your panel 59 Grapevine Chair. I am grateful for the
opportunity to serve the fellowship in Area 75.
- My activities since our Winter
Service meeting on January 18 are as follow:
On January 31, I set up a Grapevine
Display at the WICYPAA conference at the Olympia Resort in
Oconomowoc. I showed up at the panel on service on Saturday morning
having been asked to participate only to find that there was a
mix-up and there was no time for me to speak. That was ok. They
had plenty of good speakers. I want to thank Nancy Seelen again for
taking down my display and transporting it up to Waldo the next
On February 13-15 I attended
the Delegate’s / Past Delegates conference in Springfield,
Illinois with Ken G., my service sponsor and his wife Nancy, my
service salvation. While this is not related to my Grapevine
activities, it does get funded through my Grapevine budget.
On February 22, I ventured
into the maze that is Waukesha and was privileged to set up the
Grapevine Display and speak on service and the Grapevine at the Open
Meeting sponsored by the Waukesha Sunday Night AA group. It was a
truly memorable experience and I’m very grateful for the
On March 29, I attended the
Delegate’s workshop in Madison. My Grapevine committee
consisted of myself and one other AA member who is not a Grapevine
rep. We had a great time discussing the “About Alcoholism”
pages in the Grapevine and whether or not the Grapevine should be
distributed via commercial outlets.
- This coming weekend, I am
scheduled to attend the District 8 workshop in Beloit on Saturday
and the District 32 workshop on Sunday in Waukesha. Thanks to these
two districts for allowing me to be a part of their life-saving
The following part of my report is
quoted from a report delivered by Madeline P. Pacific Region
Trustee, at the 2009 PRAASA meeting.
“As you may be aware, the AA
Grapevine raised the price of their books by $2.00 at the beginning
of this year, with the exception of the Best of Bill. Beginning
July 1, 2009, a one year subscription for the Grapevine will be
$27.00. This larger than usual increase is due to “too little
– too late. “ The AA Grapevine has not kept pace with
increasing costs and inflation over the years and this price
increase represents an attempt to actually charge what is needed to
produce the magazine. Remember – “self-supporting
through our own contributions! ” The AA Grapevine can no
longer subsidize the cost of the magazine. And remember, where else
could you get so much f or so little? How much did you spend on
coffee today? Ice cream last night? Get over the shock and get with
the program of “we pay our own way.” Bill W. stated in
his letter to Royal Shepherd that he wanted the Grapevine to be the
“Voice of the Alcoholics Anonymous movement.’ It’s
up to you to ensure it stays that way today and for tomorrows to
- So save yourself $7 per
subscription by getting those subscriptions in before July 1!
- As always, I am available to
come to your meetings, workshops, and mini-conferences with the
Grapevine Display or to share my experience, strength and hope.
- Thank you for the privilege of
serving AA.
- George
P., Area 75 Grapevine Chair
- PI
CHAIR – Liz Y.
- Introduction
of Liz Y. Liz has been on-board for about a week so no written
report provided.
I attended District’s 27
monthly meeting in February.
I continue to network with Special
Needs Chairs from District’s 1, 12, &34. I continue to
work closely with D34 with a permanent Special Needs referral. This
continues to work out very well as we coordinated transportation with
many different meetings.
I have our Area Translation
Equipment and plan to hand it off to Dennis, Chair of our Spring 2009
Conference today.
I have confirmed translation
services with Spanish and Hearing Impaired Interpreters for our Area
and possible District Needs. Please contact me if you would like
this information. While a 30 day advanced request time frame is
appreciated, it is possible to work with these individuals within a
shorter time frame of just a few weeks.
I am planning on attending
additional District meetings: 24, & 8, pending my surgical
recovery with restoration of my ability to drive.
I am also following up with
Special Needs Chairs from Districts: 7, 13, & 20 (I only have a
name but no contact information from District 20. Please forward
this information to me).
District 1 has requested me to
speak in Tomah at the Tomah VA Medical Center on 06/05.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann F.
CHAIR – Fred K.
- Little news to report. Requests
for contacts about 1 per week. Recently an 18 person recovery house
called for literature and help. The local District chose to handle
it. I’m just the Matchmaker. Seems to work well. Have
visited 2 Districts and have 2 visits schedule to other Districts.
- Question
from the floor 90 day Treatment Center in Milwaukee? Facility is on
street between Lincoln and ? it is in the Spanish speaking
Kathy W.
- Need
info for DCMs and GSRs of existing groups when new directory in May
Need to have a name and a meeting date to be listed in the
International Directory. This is the primary way for people to find
a meeting that are traveling outside their normal meeting area.
- DCM Reports
- District
1 – Tom N.
District 1 is doing well with
approximately 103 meetings per week within the district. Attendance
is up at district meetings, averaging 12-15 people per month which
is triple from last fall. We continue to work to encourage more
active participation, communication, cooperation and attendance.
- Current active standing
committees include Corrections, CPC, Treatment Facilities, Grapevine
and Special Needs. I have been in contact with members in the
district who have expressed an interest in filling the Archives and
Public Information Chairs and am currently awaiting their decisions.
- The Corrections Committee and
the Special Needs Committee are actively working to meet the needs
of the district while CPC, Treatment and Grapevine are still gearing
up and organizing having started from scratch very recently.
- As DCM, I’ve been getting
to as many meetings in the district as possible, encouraging active
participation and attendance at district meetings, building bridges
and healing divisions where possible and encouraging communication,
coordination of efforts and events and cooperation between the
groups, the La Crosse Area Intergroup, Area 75 and the surrounding
districts I’ve been able to contact.
- I would like to thank the Area
Delegate, Officers, Committee Chairs and Past Delegates for all of
their assistance, advice and encouragement. A special thank you to
Area 75 Delegate Stu Elwing, Past Delegates Joan Johnson and Jo
McLaughlin and “AA in the VA” Conference Chair Tom
Mitchell for all of their encouragement and their willingness to
listen. The dedication, enthusiasm and “willingness to go to
any lengths” of all our Area trusted servants to assist
District 1 in our efforts to rebuild has been exemplary and truly
- District
2 – Clyde M.
Our District continues to enjoy goo
representation by our GSR’s at our district meetings. While
not every group is represented we do have dedicated commitment and
service from many.
- We have continued the monthly
study of traditions begun by our previous DCM, and found it to be
most useful. Our GSR’s have learned, have become informed,
and thus able to provide good info to their groups to help apply the
traditions when problems or controversies arise.
- We have recently updated our
district meeting schedules, are in the process of planning a spring
event, are trying to reestablish previous jail meetings in our
counties, and are actively trying to fill Committee Chairperson
vacancies. We do not have enough volunteers to fill all open chairs
and have decided for the present to concentrate on Corrections,
CPC/PI, Grapevine, and Archives. Our GSR’s are actively
asking their group members to consider getting involved.
- Our officers plan to follow in
the footsteps of our previous rotation which helped us grow in
service & commitment thus ensuring we can and will further carry
the message while following the principles and traditions of AA.
- Respectfully,
- Clyde M.
DCM District 2
- District
3 – Marv S.
- It has been a challenging few
months for me as DCM, sorting through all of the paperwork and
trying to get organized. Mike S., the alternate DCM, and I are
visiting the meetings in our District and gathering current contact
- Attendance at the District
meetings has been between 15 and 20 people. We are still trying to
fill all of our Chair positions. Special thanks to George P. for
acting as interim Secretary. I would like to offer special thanks
to Jim M., GSR for the Monday night beginners’ group for the
enthusiasm and action he and his group have brought to our District.
They are also active in WICCYPA.
- District
3 is sponsoring a sponsorship workshop on May 9th
at the Alano Club in Manitowoc. It will be from 11 am to 3 pm and
lunch is included.
- If you would like more
information on the workshop, please contact me.
- Marv S.
District 3 DCM
- District
8 – Bridgett A.
Southern Half of Rock County
- Our
GSR meeting is the 1st
Friday of the month at 6:45 in the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Park Ave in Beloit. We have been having around 8-10 attendees.
- Recently,
there are several service Committee Chairs in place: Treatment/BTG,
PI, CPC, and Special Needs. We have had Area Service Committee
Chairs attend our District Meeting to educate as well as put a face
with a name and feel more comfortable attending Area meetings. This
has been helpful and very informative. Thanks to Randy, Fred, and
Ken. We hope to have all visit by the end of the year.
- The
local hospital outpatient treatment program is sending patients to
the beginners meeting and we have been seeing more newcomers staying
around. It is exciting to watch things beginning to rejuvenate our
district. Many corrections pre-release requests passed along.
- We
have a workshop next Saturday ‘Recovery in Action’ St
Johns Lutheran Church Bluff Street. Potluck at noon and panels from
1-4pm, flyers on Area 75 and Maico websites. We will be hosting
SOWANII (Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois) monthly dinner
and speaker gathering on May 2nd.
- Yours in Service,
- Bridgett A.
- District
11 – Ric C.
District 11 has changed the time it
meets from 6:00 pm to 5:30 pm on the last Tuesday of the month.
- The
district held a Spring Workshop on the 4th
of April. The topics were the Fourth step and working with others.
The attendance was around 30.
- Some of the District Chairs are
filled, Corrections, PI/CPC and Treatment. We are actively seeking
fellow alcoholics to fill other chairs and GSR positions.
- I have been visiting the groups
in the District and will continue until I have completed all the
updates. I’m about half way through.
- I was asked to join the
UW-Whitewater/Community Coalition. This coalition deals with alcohol
and drug abuse prevention on campus. UW-Whitewater is starting an on
campus A.A. meeting on April 22, 2009. I will attend to help them
get started.
- The District treasury has been
blessed and the District is starting to disturb some of its funds.
We sent 150.00 to Area 75 Corrections and have asked that Groups
donations to the District for the months April and May 09 be sent to
Area 75 Corrections also.
- This report is submitted by:
- Ric C., District 11 DCM
- District 12 – Terry
- My name is Terry and I am the
DCM for District 12. The District is alive and well, we have only 1
Chair open, Grapevine, and we are actively trying to get that Chair
- We
get between 22 and 28 people at the district meeting, I don’t
know what happened last month, only 16 people attended.
- Our Saturday night District 12
open meeting is doing well, getting over 100 people a night. The
meeting is doing well, the meeting is the second Saturday night of
every month. The month of May has changed to Sunday at the
Washington County Fair Park for Father Tom W. from Oakland, CA.
- Also, our District picnic is on
the second Saturday in September, so it doesn’t conflict with
the Jamboree. We also have the speaker already, they are: AA
District 16 – Theresa W., and the Alanon speaker is Linda D.
from Richfield.
- Thank-you
- District
13 – Leslie F.
District 13 has 21 groups located in
the southeastern part of Waukesha County. At the present time, we
have 13 registered GSRs in the district. All District Chairs are
filled with the exception of the Special Needs Chair who recently
- District 13 works closely with
Districts 34 & 32 to insure meetings are taken into Waukesha
County Jail, the Huber facility and Ethan Allen Juvenile Facility.
Mark G. Is the Ethan Allen Contact and has started an Open Speaker
meeting on Tuesday nights at Ethan Allen and is trying to get a
Beginner meeting started on Monday nights. The three Districts
continue to host an annual twelve step workshops and the DCMs are
meeting quarterly and are encouraging our Committee Chairs to do the
same in an effort to coordinate service work and get more work done.
Our PI and CPC chairs will be manning a table at a GE health fair
held on May 21st.
- District 13 changed it’s
meeting time from 230PM to 4 PM on the first Sunday of the month at
St. Mathias Church in Waukesha. We have started studying 1 service
concept per meeting and are looking to start a district sponsored
Open Speaker breakfast meeting on a weekend date.
- In Service,
Leslie F., DCM
- District
15 – Brent W.
- Attendance at the monthly
District meeting has been growing.
- District members are involved in
corrections, treatment, and the 2011 conference.
- The District is working with
other Milwaukee area districts to coordinate planning events and
possibly combine resources to more effectively carry the message of
- New
for 2009 is the monthly open speaker meeting held at The Milwaukee
Group meeting space the 1st
Saturday of each month at 7:00 pm.
- This month should see an AA
meeting in an area treatment facility be planned to be supported by
the District.
- District 16 –
Theresa W.
- 8 GSR’s currently and
multiple volunteers. We have the following Chairs:
- We are still in need of:
Treatment, Special Needs, Literature.
- Our
picnic is scheduled for May 30th.
Our intention for this picnic is to reach out to the groups in our
district and let them know what the district does. Dave K. will be
speaking and sharing how his experience with service has enhanced
his sobriety. We will also have a literature rack available that
central office is helping us with. Archives for District 16 will
also be on display.
- From this picnic we are hoping
to get more involvement in the district, with the 2011 Spring
Conference and with the VA hospital. All food & soda &
water is being donated.
- We
will be having our 3rd
annual Fall workshop again and will be planning that after the
- We have a guest speaker every
month at our district meetings.
- Everyone in the district is
working as a team to get out to the groups.
- We have 4 GSR’s here today
voting on behalf of their groups.
- AA informational presentation at
the VA once a month.
- District
19 – John S.
- Hello,
my name is John S. and I’m an alcoholic. I have the privilege
of serving as the DCM for District 19 which encompasses Sauk and
Richland counties. We currently have groups located in seven
communities holding a total of 23 meetings throughout the week. Our
district currently holds monthly business meetings on the last
Wednesday of the month at the Baraboo Civic Center at 6:15 pm. We
routinely have good attendance at our district meetings and are
always looking for members who are willing to perform service work.
Our service work in the district includes the following:
- Men’s
Corrections - we support the Sauk County Jail/Huber Center and the
New Lisbon Corrections Center with weekly meetings.
Women’s Corrections –
two meetings a week at the Sauk County Jail.
– provide support to the St. Clare Treatment Center (Baraboo)
holding two meetings a week and providing transportation to local
meetings for the patients.
– continue to provide 24-hour information line with volunteers
who check the message service on a daily basis to handle 12th
step calls or detailed information on meeting locations/times.
Literature/GB – continue to
push for more Grapevine subscriptions.
- The
next district sponsored event will be the D19 roundoup on May 9th
in Richland Center (701 W. Seminary St.) starting 5:30.
- Yours in service,
- John S.
- District
20 – Brent B.
- District 20
Goodman Community Center
149 Waubesa St.
- Madison, WI 53704
Last Tuesday of the month; 6:30 pm
- Standing Committee News
All Standing Committee Chair
positions filled
Archivist Susan R. is conducting
interviews with members having 25 years or more
Bridging the Gap Henry S. is
organizing a list of contacts (100 men/100 women)
Treatment Gary S. is working on
setting up another meeting at UW hospital
CPC Dank K. is looking for
volunteers to help at the WAAODA annual conference
Corrections Chris B organizing
contacts forwarded from Ken N. Are 75 Corrections Chair
Grapevine Dorren H. is encouraging
subscriptions to the Grapevine
PI Bruce F. and committee are
checking in the availability of AA literature in libraries
Special Needs Tom D. is organizing a
committee and may be conducting a survey to find out exactly what
types of needs are required in our District
Two successful breakfast events
History of AA
Spring Into Action
- Workshops
Groups are discussing several ideas
for workshops that have been posed at D20 meetings
Groups will be organized into
workshop committees based on idea interest to help put on workshops
- District 24 – Matt
District 24 is Ozaukee county, north
of the City of Milwaukee along Lake Michigan. Our district includes
two treatment centers and one correctional facility. Since the
beginning of the year one of our challenges has been to complete an
updated district meeting directory. This process proved to be a
useful tool in spreading information about the service structure and
encouraging individuals, groups, GSRs, and district committee chairs
to research and reach out to the collective experience of AA as a
whole. The updated schedules were competed at the end of March.
Our district currently includes fifty-seven meetings, forty-nine of
which are held at the two twelve step clubs in the district.
Our corrections committee takes five
meetings per week into the Ozaukee County jail—three women’s
meetings and two men’s meetings. At present we have filled
the positions of Grapevine chair, PI chair, CPC chair, Treatment/BTG
chair, Corrections, Central Office Board Representative, Secretary,
and Treasurer. We hope to fill the Special Needs position in the
coming months.
Our new Treatment/BTG chair has
organized groups of AAs to carry the message into the two treatment
centers in our district. We are currently on a four to six week
rotation with both treatment centers and the message has been well
Our PI committee is working
diligently to distribute AA literature and the updated schedules to
the five public libraries, more than twenty educational facilities,
and more than forty faith-based organizations in our district. An
exciting opportunity has recently arisen to include the message of
AA in the rotation of PSA space with clear channel broadcasting
(electronic billboards) in the greater Milwaukee area. Working in
conjunction with the surrounding districts and the central office
our PI committee has researched the issues and hopes to have the
message up and running in the coming months.
On February 7 district 24 hosted an
eighth and ninth step workshop at the New Day Club in Mequon, WI.
Our panelists and speakers were drawn from district 24, district 15,
and district 12. We had forty-three in attendance and the feedback
was positive.
Out of fifty-seven meetings in our
district we currently have between twelve and fourteen GSRs
attending the district meetings. This is a direct result of the
efforts and dedication of our previous DCM and our committee
chairs…a district that was by all measures “dark”
three years ago is beginning to get active. It has been a privilege
to be a part of this process.
- District
25 – Les M.
- All
of the committee positions have been filled in our district. Also,
we just completed a 7th
Tradition workshop and the 3rd
Legacy on April 11th.
I want to thank Nancy and Ken for their contribution. We’re
also putting the 2009 Fall Conference together and a Grapevine
Workshop on May 30th.
The speaker for the workshop is going to be Robin B., Executive
Director of the Grapevine from New York.
- In Service,
- Les M.
- District 27 – Marty
- District
27n is on the northwest side of the city of Milwaukee. We have 14
active groups and 5 groups I am still checking on. I have been
visiting each group and encouraging them to elect GSR’s who
will attend district and Area 75 meetings. Our district meetings
are held on the 3rd
Saturday of each month, 9:00 am, at the 12 Step Club. All chairs
are filled except Corrections. We have corrections writers.
- A workshop was held yesterday,
entitled, “Why Do I Keep Slipping?” There were about 30
people in attendance. We will have another workshop in the fall.
- All 6 of the DCM’s in
Milwaukee county and District 24 have been meeting on the second
Thursday of the month to discuss topics in our districts and how to
open more communication between the districts, in Milwaukee county.
There has been some discussion of a joint function in the future.
- Respectfully,
- Ms. Marty S.
District 27 DCM
- District
29 – Mike T.
- All chairs filled.
- Completed Men’s AA
- Upcoming Today Round Robin
Woman to Woman Mini-Conference – April 25th
AA at
the VA Mini-Conference – October 10th
- District 30 – Joel
- Joel B. GSR Life on Life’s
Terms Group District 30 (Past DCM). 54 weekly meetings in the
northern half of Rock county. Monthly district meetings reasonably
well attended average 20 participants. All chair positions are
currently filled.
- 2
women’s and 1 men’s corrections AA meetings that meet
weekly at Rocky County Corrections. Informational AA speaker
meeting at Mercy hospital every other week. PI/CPC Chair mailed out
letters to all churches asking if they’d like more information
on AA.
- We
will be having a district mini-conference this fall. My home group
is involved with the host committee for the WICYPAA 2010 and will be
sponsoring a WICYPAA outreach event “Game Night” on
Friday, May 29th
@ 8 pm at the Wesley Ave Alano Club, 1833 Wesley Ave, Janesville,
- District 31 –
Benjamin B.
- District
31 is comprised of 10 groups and encompasses Columbia County. Our
District has its meeting on the 3rd
Sunday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Pardeeville Public Library
(with a good turnout). All of our Chairs are full except Alternate
DCM and Literature.
- We will be holding district
elections in May so this is my last pre-conference assembly as DCM.
It has been a privilege to work with everyone and I have found it
very rewarding both for my continued sobriety, but also for better
understanding AA as a whole.
- We
are also planning our second annual mini-conference in September
again. We hope to have a great day of speakers and fellowship.
Last year’s was very inspiring and had a great turnout.
September 12th
is our date and we hope to see you there. It’s to be held at
Dekorra Lutheran Church again.
- We have meetings at both
Columbia County Corrections and County Jail, carry the message to
inmates at both. The county jail has both men’s and women’s
meetings. We recently purchased more literature for this purpose.
- Again thank you for letting me
serve, I have been greatly rewarded. It has been a privilege to see
District 31 flourish and grow, & have been involved with Area
- Yours in Service,
- Benjamin B. DCM
- District
32 – John C.
- District
32 consists of niney-six groups located in the western half of
Waukesha County. At the present time, eighteen of the groups have
an active GSR, forty two of the groups have a registered GSR or
group contact and 17 of the groups have no registered GSR or
contact. As with past DCMs, myself and LCMs from the District are
actively trying to encourage more groups to get involved at the
district level. We are planning on holding a number of workshops
this year aimed at increasing the involvement of the inactive
- All of our District Chairs are
currently filled and members are active in carrying the message. We
have consistently had good attendance at our monthly district
meetings, even considering the low percentage of active GSRs.
- District 32 works closely with
Districts 13 & 34 to coordinate activities in Waukesha County.
We continue to be involved in an annual twelve step, tri-district
- We
do our best to provide literature and volunteers to support meetings
at Waukesha County Jail, the Waukesha County Huber facility and
Ethan Allen juvenile facility. We also work closely with the
Lawrence Center treatment facility to provide literature and
volunteers to speak at meetings. An finally we provide Bridging the
Gap and Corrections Prerelease contacts for those coming out of
facilities into our area.
- Respectfully submitted
- John C. - DCM
- District 34 – Drew
- District 34 consists of 30
groups located within the northeastern quadrant of Waukesha County.
At the present time, 63% of the groups have a registered GSR. Group
contacts have been established with those groups that have no GSR
and those contacts are actively keeping their groups informed of
District and Area business.
- All District Chairs are filled
with the exception of the PI Chair. Our PI Chair recently announced
that she was moving to California and we are in the process of
backfilling that position.
- District 34 works closely with
Districts 13 & 32 to insure meetings are taken into Waukesha
County Jail, the Huber facility, and Ethan Allen Juvenile Facility.
In addition, the 3 Districts continue to host an annual twelve step
workshop. At the present time, the 3 Districts are in the process
of identifying additional twelve stop work that can be jointly
- In
addition to the work performed in concert with District 13 and 32,
District 34 sponsors a monthly open meeting on the 2nd
Saturday of every month; provides speakers to the treatment centers
within the District; responds to Bridging the Gap requests; arranges
for meetings for those with special needs; donates Grapevines and La
Vinas to a number of institutions and insures the correctional
institutions are well stocked with AA literature including the text
Alcoholics Anonymous.
- Our District is active, engaged
and dedicated to carrying the message to the alcoholic that still
- Respectfully submitted,
- Drew A. - DCM
- District 36 – Barb
Hi. My
name is Barb W. & I’m an alcoholic. DCM of District 36,
western Racine & Kenosha Counties.
- Our district has 32 groups.
- Though we have 4 committee chair
positions still open, our district meetings have been
enthusiastically attended by many GSR’s.
- I have been visiting groups and
have been very well received.
- Our district is co hosting this
year’s spring conference. We have had a lot of participation
so far.
- We
have a spirituality workshop planned for Saturday June 13th
11:30 – 3:30 @ the Plymouth Congregational United Church of
Christ, 124 West Washington Street in Burlington. Fliers are on the
- Thank you.
Dennis L.
- Host Districts 7, 17, and 36. I
think we are ready for the conference. Some loose ends to tie down.
But for the most part we are ready. We are getting more people
registering every day. We have:
- 172 Registration
154 Paid R.
122 Banquets
73 Breakfasts
$285 Bill W. fund donations
- Our next meeting is next Sunday,
4/25/09 at 2 pm. We will tie down all loose ends.
- Thank-you for letting me serve,
- Dennis
Jeff Z.
- Since we last met at the winter
service assembly in January, our committee has met 3 times. We have
been able to come up with what we believe to be, a very attractive
and affordable registration and meal package. As follows:
Registration fee - $13
Saturday night banquet - $19
Sunday breakfast buffet - $9
Total - $41
- Please
keep in mind the Bill W. fund for those that might not be able to
afford the registration fee, but would like to attend. Heidel House
Resort room rates are attractive and affordable as well at $109 per
night. Please make a not when booking your room, to mention our
(password) Area 75 Fall Conference. This will accomplish several
very important things, (1.) You will get the discounted room rate of
$109, plus tax. (2.) The area will get credit for the contracted
number of rooms rented.
- Registration
flyers are in the final throws of last minute changes and
corrections, as we are speaking. I have the utmost confidence in
our printing committee these changes will be made, and the flyers
will go to pres, sometime in the next couple of days and will be
available to all of you at the Spring Conference in Racine in 4
weeks. To all DCM’s present there will be a packet of
pertinent information and registration flyers, for you at the
registration table when you register in Racine please be sure to
pick them up when you register. Not too that several sets of
conference tapes are being made available to thos who register
early, so don’t wait to the last minute like I usually do.
For more registration forms visit:
or email
Next meeting is next Sunday, April 25, 2009 12:30 pm at the
Gratitude Club in Fond du Lac.
- It is an honor and a privilege
to be of service. Respectfully submitted: Barbara F. and Jeffery
Z. Co-chairs of the 2009 Fall Conference.
Robert S.
- The Age of Miracles is Still
With Us
- The
Are 75 59th
annual Spring Conference, hosted by District 32, is set to be held
at Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc, April 30th
through May 2nd,
- Things are coming together as
well as can be expected. Our committee has experienced a few
setbacks, but nothing that couldn’t be overcome.
- All of our speakers are locked
in. Our program is pretty well set, with a couple of minor details
to be worked out.
- Our Al-Anon Chair reminded us
about something very significant. We in AA don’t normally
promote Al-Anon functions unless AA is somehow involved.
Therefore, Al-Anon would be hard-pressed to promote our conference
if the words Al-Anon were not present. We chose to resolve this by
adding the words “With Al-Anon Participation” to our
Save-the-Date flyers. The main reason we were concerned with this,
is that we are not competing with the Al-Anon conference date that
- Our Save-the-Date flyer will not
have any pertinent information, so that we do not detract from any
upcoming or ongoing conferences. We’re willing to wait our
- As I’ve reported
previously, we have a very workable contract with Olympia. We are
responsible for $7,000 in food and beverages. We are responsible
for 150 room rentals for both nights, at the rental rate of $99.000,
which includes up to 4 person occupancy.
- Respectfully submitted,
- Bob S.
Conference Chair Spring 2010
Ken N.
No written report provided.
- Conference Advisory Chair
– George B.
- no report just introduced
- Archives – Nancy S.
- In the archives they now have
all of the information for all the conferences. Just a reminder to
anyone working on conferences and provide a copy of all minutes and
other information dealing with the conference, contracts, etc. That
way future conferences can see past information. Placed in a
confidential area.
- My name is Jim and I am an
alcoholic. I have a few announcements from Great Milwaukee Central
- Gene has decided to retire. He
will not be returning as the director. The board has decided to
continue with me as the director and Dan as the Office Manager. Dan
will assume my responsibilities during the months of June, July, and
August. I will return in September. Gene will serve as a
consultant until May of 2011. His consulting services will be
determined by the Board of Directors.
- Our
Jamboree will be on September 19th
and again be held at the zoo. Tickets are $24 and that includes
admission to the zoo. The speaker is Jack C. from Hagerstown,
Maryland. Tickets are now available. Flyers are on the table in
the back with order forms. Dan and I have tickets with us. Gen
will be recognized at the Jamboree for his years of service.
- We have added an additional
meeting at the office. The meetings are now Monday thru Friday at
12:15 and 4 pm and Saturday at 10:30 am (this is the new meeting)
and 3 pm.
- Our upgraded computer system
should be completed in August or September. This should provide a
new, improved face to our website and timely updates to group and
meeting information.
- We have spent the past month
evaluating inventory and determining how best to clear unnecessary
or overstocked product. We will be reducing prices on these
products by 50%. We will then determine how best to distribute this
literature and other product to the fellowship through the service
structure. We will no longer be sending GSO and Area contributions
quarterly. We will now be sending them every month.
- Finally, I must apologize for
not becoming more involved with the districts in learning how best
to communicate the requests we receive at Central Office, that can
be more appropriately dealt with at the District level or in
cooperation with Central Office. I will make this a priority when I
return in September.
- I thank you for allowing me to
share and that should be two minutes.
- Question
from the Delegate, trying to get more
current with the Service Manual. Jim responded that they are now
current with the Service Manual.
– Ken G.
- The Madison Area Intergroup
Central Office (MAICO) is a full-service central office
that helps coordinate and facilitate
communication and cooperation among individual A.A. groups, area
12-step and other committees, and components of the A.A. service
structure. MAICO provides needed services that are beyond the scope
and ability of any individual A.A. group, and is at all times
responsible to the groups it serves.
- The office receives calls for 12
Step work, meeting information, directions to meetings, and service
opportunities to name only a few.
- In February, MAICO hosted a
workshop, presented by Bill G, on the history of the writing of the
Big Book. It was well attended and very interesting according to
those who participated.
- MAICO also hosted “Spring
Into Action” in March. Spring Into Action was a breakfast,
prepared by the MAICO Reps, with speakers from Milwaukee (Bill) and
Chicago (Derek). Bill and Derek focused their remarks on the work
of central offices and how they serve the local A.A. community.
Another great success!
- We were invited to another great
mini-conference hosted by District 9 in Kieler. As usual, it was a
wonderful day. District 9 sure knows how to put on a
mini-conference. Thanks to all who planned the days events and all
who participated.
- The MAICO Reps are planning our
annual MAICO Picnic for August 8th. The flyer is not done yet, but
will be coming soon. Keep your eyes open for the flyer and please
come join us!
- Our hope is to continue with
regular workshops/breakfasts, so watch the MAICO website for
- If your district would like your
district minutes placed on the MAICO website, or your events placed
in the “Calendar of Events”, please send an electronic
copy of the minutes and/or events to Diane. MAICO’s contact
information is shown above.
- Announcement from the
- No place to go for lunch for the
Summer Service Meeting, so bring your own.
- Summer
Service Assembly – June 28, 2009 – District 27
- This is at the Monona
Community Center at 1011 Nichols Rd., Monona
- The coffee volunteer is to
take the coffee supplies with them at the end of today’s
meeting and replenish supplies from the donation can if needed.
Coffee pots are supplied by the Madison Center, which opens at 8:00
AM the day of the event. The coffee volunteer is responsible for
clean up of the coffee pots and transfer of supplies to the next
volunteer at the end of the day.
- AREA 75 CPC Sense of the
- Get
the written details from Randy on Videos. Actors get their faces
blurred out.
- Discussion:
- If they are portraying themselves
as persons of AA and then someone sees them in public drinking
concern about this issue.
- - Tom – District 1 –
wants to take it back to the groups.
- - GSO wants this as a sense of
the meeting, since we need this for General Service Conference.
- Under the traditions these are
paid professionals as actors and we could put a disclaimer on the
video to not confuse anyone. Similar to the new Corrections Video
DVD Disclaimer.
Is a
disclaimer going to be seen by a drunk at 3 am in the morning
- Vote for a sense of the Meeting.
Faces blurred vs. faces shown with a disclaimer. Since it is a
sense of the meeting anyone present can vote.
- Blurred faces for paid actors:
25 in favor of this
- Show full faces with disclaimer:
75 in favor of this
- Proposal Sponsor: Howard
Phone: 262-798-3583
Sponsor’s Service Position:
Conference Advisory Chairperson
- Provide complete details of your
proposal (attach any supporting documentation):
To increase the amount of seed money
advanced for Area 75 Conferences from $500.00 to $1,000.00. The
Area 75 Conference Advisor requests the funds on behalf of the
hosting conference committee. If funds in excess of $1,000.00 are
requested, such increase will be subject to approval by the Area 75
Finance Committee.
- Benefits/Background/Additional
1) Seed money is needed for start-up
costs for Area Conferences. These costs include, but are not
limited to, opening a PO Box, ordering checks, and printing. Funds
may also be required for a facility deposit. The amount of these
costs has increased significantly since the last increase was
approved in 2002.
- 2)
Previous Assembly action, Chapter 3 – Conferences and
Workshops, Section A. Action dated 2002/03/03 – “Increase
the conference seed money from $300.00 to $500.00.”
- Estimated Funding Required:
Conferences are bid three years in
advance. Therefore, $2,000 to $3,000 may be outstanding at any one
time, depending on the timing of the funds needed by the conference
committees. Seed money is returned to the Area treasury at the
conclusion of the conferences.
- Discussion on Proposal
Background from the Finance
Committee past chair realized that $500 is not adequate these days
for start-up of a Conference. Often additional money needed to be
advanced to the Conference. Significant discussions in the Finance
Committee, then asked the Conference Committee to submit a proposal
to increase the seed money.
- It cost $410 to print 5,000
registration forms. Need additional funds for the conferences.
- Call for the question to stop
the debate. Motion to stop debate has to stop debate has carried.
- Vote
to raise the seed money – 84 to 0, proposal passed
Area 75 Proposal Form
Sponsor: John Baddaker & Randy Rodgness
Phone: John Baddaker 262 538-3829
Randy Rogness 414 906-6685
Sponsors Service Position: Area
75 CPC and Literature Chairs
Describe your proposal.
(Attach any supporting documentation)
This proposal is for a new AA
Conference Approved brochure or pamphlet for Military Veterans
suffering from Alcoholism.
Today, there are more Veterans
than Active Duty Military personnel. In 2006, the US Census Bureau
estimated 24.5 million Military Veterans live in the United States
this number includes Veterans dating back to World War I. Currently,
Veterans from seven wars and conflicts are receiving treatment for
alcoholism in VA Medical Centers and clinics in our state. Many are
Veterans walking in off the streets. There are too many still
suffering alcoholic Veterans who are home bound, in shelters or
In years to come, there will be
many more potential alcoholics returning home from current or future
military conflicts. We want the hand of A.A. always to be there and
for that we are responsible.
Veterans are part of AA history. Bill Wilson, one of our founding
fathers was a WW I veteran.
Bill describes his experience in
the first three paragraphs in Chapter 1.
in 1945, Dr. Gilbert King, a WWI Veteran and resident of VA Facility
in Woods, WI, carried the first AA message to the Milwaukee City Jail
as noted in a letter from Bill Wilson and on display at the Area 75
The AA and the Armed Services
pamphlet was created in 1974 just after the Vietnam War. It was last
revised in 2003 but still only addresses active duty Military
personnel not veterans. We felt adding veteran stories to this
pamphlet would take away from the primary purpose of the original
publication. The needs of Veterans are entirely different in nature
and it was decided a new publication would best serve the veteran
List the primary benefits of
your proposal to the area.
The new brochure would be a vital
12 step tool for all members of Area 75 and Alcoholics Anonymous as a
whole. New stories reflecting the experience, strength and hope of
veterans recovering from Alcoholism could be carried to other still
suffering alcoholics at VA hospitals, clinics, doctor’s
offices, counselors, homeless shelters and anywhere a veteran reaches
out for help.
January 15, 2009 was the last day
to submit new agenda items to the upcoming General Service Conference
but we can still get the lengthy approval process going today. We can
ask our Literature Chairperson John B. to forward the proposal to the
districts and groups for consideration.
Costs to the area: NONE
In the Spirit of Service,
Tom Mitchell
GSR When and Where Group
AA Sponsor
Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center
- Discussion
from the floor: What would be different in a Veteran’s piece
of literature vs. what literature that we already have? Response:
We have literature that is focused on different groups of people, we
need some literature specific to Veteran’s needs.
- Clarification: All this
proposal would do is get it considered for the Agenda for the
General Service Conference.
- How many different pieces of
literature do we need for specialized groups? This would cost money
to create a new pamphlet. Possibly we could modify the existing
Armed Forces pamphlet.
- Another comment is not
perpetuate the uniqueness of a special group. Recovery is based in
the Big Book and by doing one-on-one work with another alcoholic.
Are we substituting literature for one-on-one alcoholic work.
- As
the number of in-patient and out-patient treatment facilities
decline, many of the Veterans are turning to the VA hospitals for
help. Pamphlet would help in those areas where a major VA hospital
is not located.
- If we vote for this the proposal
goes to the Trustees, then may get referred to a specific committee,
then it could either be recommended to be put on the GSC or the
committee may take no action.
- Proposal sponsor talked with GSO
– GSO said it would be a longer process to modify the existing
Armed Forces pamphlet as opposed to creating a new pamphlet.
Different needs of Veterans vs. Active Armed Services.
- No further Discussion:
- Vote
to develop pamphlet: 63 to 32. Motion carried, is there a minority
- Minority
opinion: With cutbacks in financial resources of GSO and will we
need pamphlets for each specialized groups. Singleness of purpose.
We need to keep it simple and promote uniqueness. Clarification
that this proposal is only for Canada and the US.
- Anyone who voted in the majority
would like to reconsider? None – so the proposal passed.
- Area Spring Conference
B. of District 20 for May 4th
to May 6th
of 2012 and price rooms is $109. No other districts submitted a
- Question – how firm are
the dates? We don’t know the dates for the 2012 GSC. That
was the hotel’s preferred dates.
- Motion to accept the proposal
and seconded. Proposal passed.
- Announcement
for ICYPAA bus going to Atlanta – 5 spots left on the bus.
- Announcement
let Kathy know if you want your Box delivered electronically.
- The
meeting closed at 12:45 pm with the Responsibility
anyone, anywhere reaches out, I want the hand of A.A. always to be
there, and for that; I am
Upcoming events:
- 04/26/09 thru 05/02/09 - General
Service Conference in New York
05/15/09 thru 05/17/09 - Spring
Conference in Racine (Delegate's Report)
- Summer Service Meeting at the Monona Community Center, 1101
Nichols Rd., Monona, WI – Note
the address and location change due to remodeling at the Madison
Senior Center
08/07/09 thru 08/09/09 - ECR
Conference in Peoria, IL
09/27/09 - Pre-Conference Assembly
at the Madison Senior Center
11/06/09 thru 11/08/09 - Fall
Conference in Green Lake (Area Inventory)
11/13/09 thru 11/15/09 - ECR Forum
in Kalamazoo, MI