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Alcoholics Anonymous in Southern Wisconsin

Public Information

Public Information (P.I.) in Alcoholics Anonymous means carrying the message of recovery to the still suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about the A.A. program. We carry the message by getting in touch with media, schools, industry, and other organizations which can report on the nature and purpose of A.A. and what it can do for alcoholics.

The Area 75 PI Committee meets at the Winter, Summer, and Fall Service Assemblies and on Saturday afternoon of the Annual Area 75 Conference. We use a round-the- table format to share our experience, strength, and hope on the subject of effectively carrying the A.A. message to the general public and to representatives of the media. Any district PI Chair, DCM, GSR, or any interested AA member is most welcome at our meetings.

If you would like to request information, literature, or submit event information/flyers to the Area 75 calendar please contact the P.I. Chair at pi@area75.org.